
Bochs Debug Kernel

  1. bochs debug linux kernel


Hi, I am following the JamesM tutorial for writing an OS I want to debug the kernel but when I add the debug option (-g) to the Makefile and compile and run the new binary with bochs it keeps on restarting.. However, I can't 'step' or 'next' through my code, nor can GDB apparently determine which line of code is the current line.. # Mantainer: WinterXMQ # Contributor: WinterXMQ pkgname=bochs-with-debugger pkgrealname=bochs.

  1. bochs debug linux kernel

Apr 13, 2012 debugging kernel with bochs By vjain20 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:01 pm.

bochs debug linux kernel

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Connecting works fine, as does loading debugging symbols from the kernel file I set a breakpoint for the kmain function, which is successfully located, and the debugger breaks correctly (inside my kernel). Скачать Media Player Mp3

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